Tata has launched their new Nano GenX in India and is offering it at prices between Rs 1.99 Lakhs to 2.89 Lakhs ex-showroom in Delhi. With this, the Nano is also being offered with an Automatic (AMT) gearbox and the much awaited variant starts at Rs 2.69 Lakhs making it the cheapest automatic car you can buy in India.
The biggest changes come in the form of an openable rear hatch providing the car an easier luggage carrying capability, bigger fuel tank with 24 liter capacity (current has 15 liters), a facelift with those smiling front and butt and the AMT! The boot can accommodate 94 liters in the AMT variants and 110 liters on the manual variants.
Nano GenX also gets a ‘Tiptronic’ mode which will allow you to shift gears manually. Tata is also offering the Bolt-fame ‘Sports’ mode for that extra little fun (and probably another pointer for the marketing guys) and ‘Creep’ function which moves the car in bumper to bumper traffic when you lift your foot off the brake pedal.
Apart from this, Nano GenX also gets features like Bluetooth, USB, Aux-in, Radio and Digital Information Display which is a first in the segment. Tata also promises enhanced safety on the new car with anti-roll-bar, intrusion beams and crumpled zone.
Nano GenX Variants & Prices
The new Nano if offered in the following five variants
- Nano XE: Rs 1.99 Lakhs
- Nano XM: Rs 2.29 Lakhs
- Nano XT: Rs 2.49 Lakhs
- Nano XMA (AMT): Rs 2.69 Lakhs
- Nano XTA (AMT): Rs 2.89 Lakhs
Nano GenX Color Options
- Damson Purple
- Sangria Red
- Dazzle Blue
- Royal Gold
- Pearl White
- Meteor Silver
- Persian Rose (Pink)
Out of this Sangria Red and Persian Rose are new to the palette and Tata is not offering the Papaya Orange of the Nano Twist on the GenX.
The Nano GenX goes on sale from today at Tata’s 450 sales outlets and it should do well considering the prospects and that automatic gearbox.
The post New Tata Nano GenX Launched at Rs 1.99 Lac; AMT Starts at 2.69 Lac – India’s Cheapest Automatic appeared first on MotorBash.com.